The Stew Peters Show
News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
The Stew Peters Show is an uncensored, truthful source of information. We are unafraid to dig into the deepest crevices of filth and corruption, and with God, we are UNSTOPPABLE.
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Live Streamed on September 9, 2024 4:06 PM ET
September 09, 2024
Logos Academy LIVE! Episode 1: Why has America Become So Gay?

Join Zach Kidd for a live discussion!

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SICK: Jew Soldiers Wear the Dresses of the Women and Children they Killed to Mock and Dehumanize them

Brian Smith joins Stew to discuss the bizarre drones and possible UFOs that are being reported everywhere and covered up!

Justin Finneman of Kuribl discusses the incredible healing powers of CBD that Big Pharma is covering up!

Jon Miller joins Stew to discuss new vile photos that have emerged of Israeli soldiers mocking and dehumanizing their Palestinian victims!

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Western civilization has been infected by a parasitic invasion of foreign ideals and values that have been introduced into our culture by strange and morally degenerate people whose goal is world domination. We have been OCCUPIED. Watch the film NOW!
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These loyal and ...

Transgenderism is jewish.


Jews aren’t White.


Real life.
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Jews Take Pics Jrking OFF to Palestinian Genocide!

Jon Miller joins Stew to discuss new vile photos that have emerged of Israeli soldiers mocking and dehumanizing their Palestinian victims!

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